In the military, we all get punished
when one screws up. Americans
have screwed up with guns and we
need to have our privileges taken
away until we can learn to stop kill-
ing each other.
This letter was written by Michael David Bass. He can be reached at:
5020 McMurray Court
Nashville, Tennessee 37211
August 27, 1999
Michael David Bass
5020 McMurray Court
Nashville, Tennessee 37211
Dear Mr. Bass,
I read with disgust your letter to the Editor of The Tennessean dated August 26, 1999.
How dare you have the audacity to say that gun ownership is a privilege. What part of ”...the right of the people to keep and bear arms...” do you not understand? You stated that Americans have screwed up with guns. Which Americans are you referring to? I have not screwed up with guns, nor have any of my friends or relatives.
Since you’re dumb enough to think that gun ownership is a privilege, you are probably unaware of the meaning of the word “we”. By saying “...we need to have our privileges taken away until we can learn to stop killing each other.”, you are admitting to killing at least one person. Have you not yet learned that you shouldn’t kill others?
You also stated that the NRA is teaching kids to be better shots rather than teaching them safety. That is a partial lie. The NRA teaches gun safety before it even thinks about teaching targeting.
Many gun grabbers claim that the 2nd amendment is the right of the National Guard and not that of individuals. If you are one of those people who believe that, then I challenge you to prove the existence of a National Guard when the Constitution was adopted. If the right to keep and bear arms applies to the government and not the people, the why does the 2nd amendment specifically refer to the people instead of the government? I don’t know how old you are, but you seem to be one of those liberals who are under the false impression that militias are evil and their members extreme. Let me let you in on something that you probably won’t like. All able bodied males between the ages of 17 and 45 are members of the militia. If you don’t believe me, check out 10 USC 311. A copy of it is enclosed.
Hitler disarmed the German people. He was then able to kill millions. Stalin disarmed the Soviet people. He was then able to kill millions. Throughout this century, gun confiscation has always led to tyranny and oppression and genocide.
In Switzerland, the law requires that all households have at least one loaded, fully automatic, fully operational firearm. Switzerland has virtually no gun crimes. Hitler did not invade Switzerland for the very reason that the Swiss were some of the best marksmen in the world.
Earlier, I said that I was going to make you famous. Let me explain. First, your letter to the editor, and my response, will be posted on my website. Secondly, I will send your letter and a copy of this one to all gun rights organizations that I come across.
Have a nice day,