Member of Congress states tax system is “voluntary”, but you probably already knew it was.

On Februray 8, 2000, Representative Asa Hutchinson (R-Arkansas) stated on the floor of the House that our tax system is voluntary. His statement can be found in the Congressional Record. Click on 106, then select Hutchinson, Asa, then enter February 8, 2000. Or you can see his statement below

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MARRIAGE TAX PENALTY -- (House of Representatives - February 08, 2000)

[Page: H226]  GPO's PDF


   (Mr. HUTCHINSON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

   Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, I think my colleagues on both sides of the aisle would agree that we may never have a perfect tax code, but it should at least be fair. That is the essence of any voluntary tax system.

   How can we in this body make our tax system more fair? We can start by passing the marriage tax relief bill. Last year, nearly 50 million Americans, including more than 200,000 of my fellow Arkansans, paid extra taxes just because they were married. These folks do not pay just a little bit more in taxes; they paid an average of $1,400 apiece.

   Our government is discriminating against married couples by forcing them to pay an extra fine of more than $1,000. This is not fair, and it should end.

   Whether it is in a church or in a courtroom, couples have to usually pay some type of a fee for the marriage ceremony. But while it may cost money to get married, it should not cost money to be married.

   I hope all of my colleagues will join me in standing up for married couples and in voting yes on the Marriage Tax Penalty Relief Act.

[Page: H227]  GPO's PDF

1st Amendment repealed in Nevada!!

On Wednesday March 19, 2003, U.S. Federal District Court Judge Lloyd D. George temporarily banned the sale and distribution of Irwin Schiff's book;

The Federal Mafia: How The Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes.

Irwin Schiff is the nation's leading authority on the federal income tax. His book was originally written in 1990 and has been updated a number of times. Tens of thousands of copies have been sold and it can even be found in the UNLV law library. The temporary ban was granted at the request of the government. One can only wonder why now, after 13 years of the book being sold, the gov. wants this book banned? Could it be that Irwin's book and the people who use it are having a significant hindrance on the governments ability to illegally collect income taxes and to seize property in violation of numerous federal laws?
Judge George's ban, although temporary, reminds one of Hitler's book burning during Germany's Nazi period. The decision on whether or not to maintain the ban is scheduled to take place on April 7, 2003, at 1:30 p.m. in courtroom 6B in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Judge George is a mere public servant. He has a chance on April 7 to correct his lapse of judgement. However, if he upholds the ban, he will have shown himself to be mentally deficient and unfit to be in an office of power and public trust.
To let him kow that the nation is watching Irwin's case and to insist that he does the right thing, you can contact "Judge" George at:
The Judge in this case:
Lloyd D. George
United States District Court
333 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV. 89101
Case No. CV-S-03-0281-LDG-RJJ

Furthermore, you can file a complaint of misconduct of Judge George pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 372(c)(1). Each complaint filed, becomes a permanent part of the judge's personnel file. A large number of complaints will most likely prevent Judge George from being promoted to a higher judgeship.
The complaint form can be found at the Judicial Commission of Nevada's website. On the left side is a list of forms. Scroll down a little until you see a conduct complaint form. It comes in pdf and html formats.

Based on my understanding of Jim Traficant's case, one person can file multiple complaints so long as each complaint is substantially different. (See Mike Brown's website).
The list below are actions of misconduct on the part of Judge George. You can use all of these in one complaint, but it may be more effective if you make just one or two actions per complaint.

1. On page 2, 2nd full paragraph, 1st sentence, the court found that the Unites States presented "persuasive" evidence. The evidence in question is Irwin Schiff's book which has been sold for over 12 years and updated a number of times. According to at least one person in the courtroom, Judge Lloyd George had not read the book and acted as if he had never even seen the book before. How can Judge George determine the persuasiveness of evidence he does not examine? Ruling on the persuasiveness of evidence without first closely examing it demonstrates a lapse, if not a degradation, in mental capacity. The timing of the government's motion and the restraining order after all these years of the book being sold and distributed is highly questionable.

2. On page 2, 2nd full paragraph, 1st sentence also states that the public would suffer irreparable harm in the absence of the restraining order. In the six years that I have been using Irwin Schiff's materials, I have not suffered harm and Mr. Schiff can point to thousands of others who have used his materials, specifically his book The Federal Mafia, who have successfully used his materials to get refunds due to them and to fend of illegal and unlawful actions of IRS employees.

3. On page 2, 2nd full paragraph, 1st sentence further states that the restraining order would not harm "Schiff, Neun, Cohen and their associated entities...". The restraining order banned the sale and distribution of Irwin's book The Federal Mafia, and barred him from lecturing on the income tax. Mr. Schiff's living is largely derived on the sale of his books, other materials, and on his seminars. The restraining order absolutely harms the parties named in the order. Judge George apparently was unable to recognize this and by not doing so, again displayed a lack of ability to properly excute the duties of his office.

4. On page 3, item 1 temporarily restrains Mr. Schiff and others named, from engaging in activity regarding the excludibility of income "...that they know or have reason to know is false or fraudulent..." Mr. Schiff, in his book and other materials does not engage in such activity. He explicitly states that individuals do not have income or a liability for the income tax. Stating that individuals do not have income as Mr. Schiff does and making statements regarding the excludibility of income which is what the government claims are two different things. This further demonstrates Judge George's lack of clear thinking in this matter.

5. On page 3, item 2 temporarily restrains Mr. Schiff and others named from preparing and/or assisting others in the preparation of tax returns. To my knowledge, Mr. Schiff does not offer a tax return preparation service. His book and other materials merely show people how to file an honest & accurate tax return so as to prevent the illegal prosecution of people for not filing. Again, Judge George, either on his own or because of the Plaintiff's incomplete "evidence", displayed his inability to preside.

6. On page 3, item 3 temporarily restrains Mr. Schiff and others named from "Advocating the false and frivolous position..." through the sale of his books and materials. Mr. Schiff's statements regarding the income tax in his books, tapes, and other materials are based on no less than 12 Supreme Court decisions, several lower court decisions, and numerous sections of the Internal Revenue Code. His position is based on the law and is about as far from frivolous as one can get. This alone shows that Judge Lloyd George did not really examine the evidence he claimed was "persuasive". This amounts to outright apathy and laziness on Judge George's part.

7. On page 3, item 4 temporarily restrains Mr. Schiff and others named from "Making false commercial speech about federal income taxes..." In the six years that I have known of Mr. Schiff and his materials, I have never heard him knowingly make any false statements regarding federal income taxes. When he cites a law or court case to support his position, I have looked it up and was able to verify the accuracy of his statements.

8. On page 3, item 5 temporarily restrains Mr. Schiff and others named from holding seminars which advocate frivolous tax arguments. Mr. Schiff's statements on the income tax are based on numerous laws, decisions of the Supreme Court, and decisions of lower courts and therefore are not frivolous. The enire reasoning for granting the order indicates that Judge George blindly believed what he was told by his fellow government employees and gave a cursory review, if any, of the evidence.

9. On page 3, item 6 temporarily restrains Mr. Schiff and others named from "Inciting others to violate the tax laws..." Mr. Schiff and his materials do no such thing. In fact he uses the law and court decisions to bolster and even prove his claims to be true and accurate. Did Judge George even look at any evidence before ruling on its merits? I think not.

10. On page 4, item 13 temporarily restrains Mr. Schiff and others named from "...inciting or assisting others to violate the internal revenue laws." Mr. Schiff uses the internal revenue laws and Supreme Court decisions to prove his statements regarding the federal income tax. He does not advocate violating the internal revenue laws. If he did, he should have been arrested years ago. The fact that the government is just now taking this particular action further demonstrates the governments frivolous position and the judge's inability to properly to his job.

11. On page 4, 2nd paragraph, the Court ordered that copies of the restraining order be provided to "...current customers (and former customers since January 1, 1999) within 10 days of the date of this order." What if there is no such list or if such list does not cover the entire time period? Defendants cannot be expected to prove a negative. The government's motion is based entirely on a tissue of lies and the fact that Judge George granted the motion not only shows borderline complicity in the government's crimes but also demonstrates that he is unfit to hold any office of public trust.

You can consolidate items 1-3 in one complaint since they are similar and since there are several other items on which to file complaints. Given the reletively high cost of postage, you can further consolidate the complaints into a smaller number or even into one complaint if you choose. If you file multiple complaints, I suggest that you put each one in its own envelope and even mail them on separate days. If you can afford it, I also suggest that you send a copy to each of your senators and your member of the House of Reps. The House Ways & Means Committee is also a good place to send a copy of the complaint since it writes the federal tax laws.

Lastly, to see Irwin's press release (distribute it to everyone you know) and to see the Judge's temporary restraining order, go to Irwin's website.

Made in America Page

The income tax is one of the biggest frauds perpetrated against the American people. Each year, many American are harrassed and even prosecuted and convicted for not volunteering to pay this tax. The sources and information below are meant to expose the volunatry nature of the income tax and to educate people on how they can successfully stop volunteering and fight back. Also, you will find the government's own words which you can use to your advantage.

Treasury Secretary O'Neil says tax code is an "abomination".

"The United States has a system of taxation by confession."

United States v. Kahriger
345 US 22 page 36

What is money?

Freedom above Fortune

Lawsuit against IRS

We The People Foundation

16th Amendment: The Law That Never Was

IRS Cuts Own Throat!!

The IRS manual contains a section called “Encouraging Voluntary Compliance”. It says compliance is voluntary but in the form of doublespeak of course.

IRS Decoder

Inform America

IMF Help

IRS forms & publications

Tax Freedom101

The Grace Commission Report

$ee my money page!


Visitors Since March 25, 2003